Get to know our team a little better with our staff profiles.
Andrew Hudson
Meet Andrew!

Andrew is a married Dad of 2 and joined CGA in 2006. He is ACCA qualified and devoted Leeds United Fan and Season Ticket Holder (for 22 years!!!).
Andrew and family moved to Sherburn, North Yorkshire 2 years ago and are members of Wetherby tennis club.
He threw himself out of an aeroplane for Breast Cancer Care in 2009 (and is terrified of heights). He also ran the London Marathon in 2012 and 2016 and still applies for the ballot every year but no luck as yet. Andrew is currently studying for his Company Secretarial Qualification alongside coaching Sherburn White Rose U6s with his son Max, after recently completing his level 1 coaching qualification. Sherburn White Rose U6s are sponsored by Sherburn Aero Club and Andrew’s elder son, Aaron, also plays for the U9 team. Of course time is still found for Andrew himself to play 5 a side football once a week at A1 Football Factory in Pontefract.
On Andrew from the team:
“Andrew’s random facts and sense of humour keeps conversation entertaining whilst in the office. It’s just a shame he’s a Leeds fan.”
“Andrew is one of the biggest personalities within the office who can always make you laugh (mainly with his sarcastic comments).”
“It’s always good to have Andrew around to talk football with even though he is a Leeds United fan, when its warm he tends to take off his tie and tie it around his head in Rambo fashion which is an interesting look!”
“Loves his jazzy neon socks and Leeds United and is a funny (and very sarcastic) guy!”
“Andrew is a proper foodie and will pretty much will eat anything, he loves the fine dining restaurants as well as good old fashioned food, I don’t think he has beat me in the office cook off as yet though!”
Melissa Brooks
Meet Melissa!

Melissa joined us as our Practice Administrator in 2014 after 10 years with NFU as Senior Sales Support and work with the University of Leeds. Melissa’s role is to be efficient, effective and keep everything running smoothly. Most often the first voice you will hear on the phone, Melissa will ensure you reach the right person quickly.
Melissa is also part of the payroll team, ensuring clients payroll is completed in a timely manner so they all have happy employees at the end of the month.
A real team player in the true sense of the word, before Melissa became a Mum of 2 she would turn out as Shooter or Goal Attack for Jorvik Netball Team in York and has never been known to turn down a mini break, especially if it involves shopping.
Melissa is the one to go to when it comes to any pointless celebrity gossip.
Here’s some more facts about Melissa:
- Originally from Wilberfoss
- Moved to Selby in 2009
- 2 Gorgeous Daughters – Amelia and Olivia who are 4 years old and 1 year old
- Married to Mark for nearly 6 years but been together nearly 13 years
- Has two cats called Dexter & Miley who are 10 years old
- In spare time likes to play netball, travel, shopping, eating out and general socialising with friends and family but since having the girls my time when not at work now involves days out and trips to parks and soft play to keep them happy and entertained!!
On Melissa from the team:
“A pleasure to talk to although her Love Island chat usually turns into white noise. Always up for a laugh.”
“If you ever need to know any up to date pointless news about celebs, Melissa is your woman! Always buys the best secret Santa presents as she has bought mine for the past 4 years.”
“Melissa is my right hand women when it comes to payroll and manages Chelle’s diary with amazing efficiency (which is no easy task). If she was on Mastermind then Celebrity Gossip would be her specialist subject.”
“Can’t cook, won’t cook – Doesn’t like sad cats* – Netball genius”
*Sad Cats is a book that Andrew bought Melissa as a Secret Santa present – it turns out it was so much a joke book but some very sad cats with terrible back stories – needless to say the book was left on the CGA bookshelf .
“Time juggler extraordinaire – always managing to get in appointment after appointment and still leave me some time to go racing – I mean work!!!!”
“Loves reality – Knows a lot about celebrities – Mum of two”
Billy Dell
Meet Billy!

Taught by Claire’s tutor, Billy joined CGA straight from Selby College in June 2015 and is currently studying towards the ACCA qualification to become a Chartered Certified Accountant.
Billy loves to be well organised (some would say OCD), and is highly territorial about his desk and is the go to person for all bookkeeping packages, he is a Xero guru and is the first person clients ask for when it comes to Xero questions.
Billy is in the process of purchasing his first home with his lovely girlfriend Zoey, who recently commented ‘he would sell my kidney if he thought he could get some money for it’ – a true accountant always looking after the pennies!
Here’s some more facts about Billy:
- Interests are shooting, holidays and cars
- Hates change!!
- Loves a good night out
On Billy from the team:
“Loves tweed, shooting and going on holiday and is a funny and friendly guy to have around in the office!”
“Billy is a funny lad who keeps the office atmosphere positive. He loves his noodle pots and in his spare time he enjoys a good early morning shoot.”
“Billy keeps promising to bring us lunch – we are still waiting! All clients love Billy – he is a joy to work with and almost as good at me on Xero.”
“Loves wearing tweed”
“Mr Organised and systemised – understands the meaning of a Clear Desk Policy. Great at training staff and clients – his patience knows no bound. Belief: A place for everything and everything in it’s place.”