October is Free Wills: A Golden Opportunity for the 55+ crowd you Don’t Want to Miss!

Listen up, folks! If you’re 55 or older and have been putting off writing your will (we see you, procrastinators), October is your month to shine.

Let’s face it, folks. None of us are itching to spend our precious time thinking about wills. It’s like being asked to choose your favourite dentist – not exactly a fun task. But, while we might prefer to avoid the subject, making a will is one of those things that just needs doing. Why? Because when the inevitable comes knocking, you want to make sure your beloved collection of antique teapots (or, you know, your hard-earned estate) goes to the right people (or maybe a teapot-loving charity).

What’s This Free Wills Month Business?

Free Wills Month is like Black Friday for responsible adults. From October 1st, 2024, a group of charities are offering people aged 55 and over the chance to have their simple Wills written or updated for free. Yes, you read that right – FREE. It’s like finding money in your old coat pocket, but better!

Why You Need a Will – No Excuses!

Imagine this: You’ve got no will, and you’ve just popped off on your eternal holiday. Your family is now not only dealing with the shock of your sudden exit, but they’ve also got piles of paperwork, headaches, and disputes over who gets that vintage footstool you insisted was “worth something.”

With a will, you can:

  • Make sure your money, possessions, and random treasures end up with the people you want them to.
  • Save your family from stress, arguments, and hours of Googling probate jargon.
  • Even donate to a cause you love.
  • Avoid having your estate eaten away by tax or probate costs (always fun to beat the system, right?).

How Does It Work?

It’s simple:

1. Contact a participating solicitor during October.

2. Book an appointment (they’re limited, so don’t snooze on this!).

3. Get your Will sorted by a professional.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. While you’re under no obligation to leave a gift to charity in your Will, many people see this as a chance to help their favourite cause. For example, you could choose to support St Leonard’s Hospice – a local charity that does incredible work.

St Leonard’s Hospice: A Shining Example

Speaking of St Leonard’s, let’s talk about how you can support them through this process. Normally, they run their own “Make a Will Month” in October, where local solicitors help you write a Will in exchange for a donation to the hospice. 

Here’s an idea: Why not combine the two? You could use the Free Wills Month service to get your Will sorted, then make a donation to St Leonard’s Hospice equivalent to what you would have paid for the Will. It’s like getting a two-for-one deal on good deeds!

Suggested donations (based on St Leonard’s usual scheme):

* £90 for a single will (perfect for those planning to leave everything to their cat).

* £180 for a mirror will (for couples who finish each other’s sentences and now want matching Wills).

Remember, the donation is entirely up to you – we’re not here to judge!

There are of course, many, many worthy charities to consider but as this is our newsletter then of course I use St Leonards as my shining example as this is one of our chosen charities along with https://www.macmillanyork.com/ and https://yorkwomenscounselling.org/ 

What About Powers of Attorney? Do I Need One of Those Too?

Ah, the often-overlooked Power of Attorney – the Batman to your will’s Robin. It is like having a stunt double for your life decisions. This little beauty gives someone you trust the power to make decisions on your behalf if you can’t. Whether it’s about your health or your finances, it’s essential. We all hope never to need it, but if you do, you’ll thank your younger self for setting it up. Imagine leaving your life decisions in the hands of someone you barely know – better to have a trusted mate handling things if you’re out of action.

Ready to Take the Plunge?

Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers like sand through an hourglass (too dramatic?). Head over to the Free Wills Month website to get started. Remember, appointments are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Once they’re gone, they’re gone – just like youth and your ability to read without glasses.

Don’t delay – October is your month to tick this task off your list. Not only will you feel virtuous for finally getting around to it, but you could also be helping wonderful charities in the process. So, no more excuses – time to secure your spot and get Will-ing!

P.S. If you’re one of those “I’ll do it next month” people, we’ve got our eye on you. October only comes once a year, you know!